Tuesday, 27 March 2012

It's been a while, innit?

Days upon days have passed.  I was made to look like a twat when the Lid Dems hopped into bed and started gang raping the country with the Tories. I got married.  Went to London. Gained weight, panicked and had a whining meltdown. Knuckled under and started exercising.  Neglected my writing after finishing a novel. Started another novel. Been rejected by a raft of presses and agents.  Realised that the current novel is going to be a monster. Through it all I gibbered positively and negatively on Twitter.  Got on with my life.

I think that brings us up to date.  Not a lot is it?   Then, that's what life is: a series of long stretches of existing between interludes of activity.   Nothing wrong with that unless you're some kind of adrenaline junkie who needs stimulation at all times or fucking hell I'll die!  But for those of us who burn out a little easier this is fine.

But, I shall pledge to provide my own contributions to the ongoing cultural dialogue that is the internet.   It is against my nature as an introvert, but it has been pointed out to me by the lovely Moira McPartlin as I writer I need to put myself out there more.  So here is a beginning of probably an intermittent discourse on whatever the hell I feel like.

For anyone who finds this gem and it's gone quiet for a while you can find me on Twitter drooling and being ANGRY.  I'm aiming for at least a post once a week if you're desperate for a schedule, ya fuckin' slave-drivers.


1 comment:

  1. Great to have you back and thanks for the name check and the pointer towards you on twitter. see you out there! moira
