Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Gonna Pop a Vein.

You ever cast about like a fucking maniac trying to find something to take up some space?  You ever do that?  Just me?

It looks like it comes so easily to other bloggers.  Every week they have something new to tell us, and here I am, almost in tears trying to think of something to say that will inspire and entertain.  It makes me wonder if I have an extremely boring life.  Might be that I need to get out and do a wee bit more living.  Then I look at my bank balance.

You know that thing about money can't buy you happiness?  Yeah, it isn't that simple.  Having money and just shoving it in a bank account to watch it accumulate isn't going to make you very happy*.  Having money ready for when you need it and then using to have fun will make you happy.  Well, it will certainly make your life richer in experience.  Sometimes.

I used to have money.  I'll let you pick yourself up off the floor from that bombshell.  You wouldn't think it to look at me, but I used to have quite a comfortable bank balance.  I didn't do much with it.  Then I blew all on stuff I didn't really want**.  That wasn't the best time in my life.  I should have spent all my money years before.  I might not have so many regrets.

Instead of being so dull when it came to summer holidays I should have got myself a passport and zoomed around a bit.  My younger self could have benefited from zipping to comic cons in the US and schmoozing with people in the business.  Ah, if my youthful incarnation had even half the ambition and one percent of the knowledge I do now, he wouldn't have been seen for dust.  Boom!  On a plane.  Bang!  At a convention.  ?!  Profit and enriching experience!

But, then, I did what I did, which wasn't very much at all.  So here I am, banging my head off a desk, trying to think of interesting things to write about instead of thinking about how important money is in the modern world, how integral it is to get by and why this shouldn't be.  Oh, yes and boring you, I can see you nodding.  I'll leave it there and let you snore and dribble.

I think I could do with some cheering up.

* Or, it doesn't for most people.  There are probably a few Scrooge McDuck types out there who would go swimming in their money bins if they could.

** There's a whole story there, but it's not for the internet.  Lemme have some kind of mystery about me, you bastards.

Really, Will, hindsight?  You really are getting desperate, aren't you?

He could really have done with his grammar getting a shake-up.  Not that I'm perfect now, but he was really terrible.  It's embarrassing, he needs a slap.


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