Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Hurrrk! Uuurrk! Urrrr!

This isn't another outpouring of my witty musings.  I can't just pull those fucking things out of the air, you know.  It takes all of an hour an hour to craft my postings for this.

No, this is a heads up for stuff coming next week – or the end of this week if I get bored.

Some background first.  You might remember, in one of my last blogs, I was talking about doing articles for a computer games website.  A wee while after that, and a few published articles, the people running the website stopped answering my emails and some time after that the site seemed to vanish.

A couple of months passed and my woefully slow mental processes pinged me an idea: since the articles weren't there any more why not repost the articles on your blog as a way of reinvigorating it?  Fantastic fucking idea, there, brain, only three months late, but never mind.  So, as due diligence I went back to make sure the site was, indeed out of commission, and what do my disbelieving eyes see*?  Well the site's there again, but this time every single fucking one of the articles on the site are credited to the one guy.  Naturally I was a bit confused by this, but I kept my cool and sent an email explaining how I wasn't pleased my articles were in someone else's name.

I bet there's a few people who can guess what my answer to the email was.  Fuck fucking all.  A shifty silence bounced back at me via the miracle of internet-particles.  And you know what, I couldn't even get angry about it, I'd given the stuff away without any kind of contract, so I grumbled for a while and consigned the articles to the Deceased Pile**.

Until last week, that is, when I decided to see if the thieving cunt of a website was still there.  And lo!  The address takes you to a completely different site!  I rummaged through the Deceased Pile and found the articles.  I'm probably going to go over them, but these are the blogs I'm going to post starting next week (or Friday, whatever).  And that's not all, I've got at least one that hasn't seen the light of day, so you should feel really special.

Now, off you go and sit in the limbo of non-existence that everyone I talk to on the internet I presume goes into when I'm not talking to them.

* And my bubblingly furious brain perceived.  Does it feel like these footnotes are becoming a thing.  It feels like a thing, but their so fucking addictive!

** Created because of this fiasco and pretty much unused since.


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